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Saskatchewan Harvest Four Percent Complete
Mackenzie Hladun - Saskatchewan Agriculture

Farmscape for August 11, 2023

Saskatchewan Agriculture reports this year's harvest is now four percent complete across the province, ahead of the five and ten-year averages of two percent.
Saskatchewan Agriculture released its weekly crop report yesterday.
Mackenzie Hladun, a crop extension specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture says regionally the harvest is most advanced in the southwest region at 11 precent complete with the northwest region just getting started and at less than one percent complete.

Quote-Mackenzie Hladun-Saskatchewan Agriculture:
Right now, our crop is still rated as mostly fair to good condition however they were rated for conditions a couple of weeks ago.
What we are seeing is that producers are mostly working on taking off their winter cereals and pulse crops this past week.
Fall rye is the most advanced with 42 percent of the crop off.
Winter wheat is currently 15 percent harvested for the year as well.
We're seeing that field peas are the most harvested for the spring seeded crops with 22 percent of this year's crop harvested already and lentils are not far behind with 17 percent of the crop in the bin.
In general harvest is just beginning for our oilseed crops as well such as canola, flax, mustard and soybeans.
We saw scattered rain and varying rain showers move across the province this week.
The southwest reported the most precipitation this past week with 36 millimetres being reported in the Eyebrow area.
The Pelly area also reported significant moisture with 31 millimeters while other areas of the province reported trace amounts.
Provincially our topsoil moisture for cropland are 12 percent adequate, 45 percent short and 42 percent very short.
Any regions where grain is still filling are really benefiting from the moisture that we're getting this late in the season.
However, crops that have already filled and have reached maturity, the moisture may not be benefitting those crops as much as other locations right now.
However, it is increasing the soil moisture, what ever rain we get which is very beneficial.

Hladun notes harvest is a very busy time of year and motorists are reminded to give any machinery on the roadway extra space and extra time.
She says, because of the dry conditions, fire is a risk so producers are advised to have fire mitigation equipment on hand.
For more visit Farmscape.Ca.
Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is produced on behalf of North America’s pork producers

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