Farmscape for July 25, 2017
The Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea outbreak that has spread throughout swine operations in southeastern Manitoba since the end of April appears to be on the decline.
Since the end of April 58 swine farms in southeastern Manitoba and one in south-central Manitoba have been confirmed infected by Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea, the last three cases being confirmed July 14.
Dr. Glen Duizer, with the Office of Manitoba's Chief Veterinary Officer, told an Alberta Pork PEDv Telephone Town Hall last week it's hoped we're coming down from the peak of infection but monitoring is continuing.
Clip-Dr. Glen Duizer-Manitoba Agriculture:
There's been a lot of collaborative effort in managing the disease.
The movements of feed, of service personnel, of deadstock of all of those necessary activities that we are undertaking, there's been a lot of work and a lot of effort across both the industry and multiple stakeholders.
There continues to be a lot of work in order to control this disease.
We are thankful that it has mostly been contained into the southeastern Manitoba.
We did have one movement, an unexpected animal movement was thought to be negative animals that ended up being positive animals and they did infect one premises on the west side of the Red River.
It's our first excursion over but so far the five kilometer buffer, our ninth buffer area, only includes two other farms and we think that the situation, so far so good, appears to be under control.
Even though we've had movement on the west side of the Red River we are still hopeful and confident that we can keep it contained to the core southeast area where it is currently.
Dr. Duizer says, in the infected five kilometer buffer zones over 940, animals are currently under surveillance.
For Farmscape.Ca, I'm Bruce Cochrane.
*Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork