Farmscape Canada


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New Labelling Program Identifies Locally Produced Pork
Marlene McDonald - Manitoba Pork Council

Farmscape for April 12, 2006  (Episode 2112)


A new pork labelling promotion being conducted by Canada Safeway in partnership with the provincial pork organizations in the four western provinces is helping to raise consumer awareness of locally produced pork.

Canada Safeway, in partnership with the provincial pork organizations in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C. has introduced new labels which are intended to draw attention to the fact that Safeway stocks pork produced locally in each respective province.

Manitoba Pork Council Home Economist Marlene McDonald says the labels identify where the pork was produced and provide a web site address where consumers can obtain recipes and other information.


ClipMarlene McDonald-Manitoba Pork Council

What consumers will see in each of the provinces is that particular pork association's consumer tag line as well as directing the consumer to their web address for recipe information and also a tag line indicating that Safeway is supporting that particular association.

For example, in Manitoba, the logo is "pick pork-for delicious recipes visit our web site" which is

Then the line is "Safeway proudly supports Manitoba Pork."

It's very similar in the other provinces.

Saskatchewan's tag line is also "pick pork" so the message is basically the same with their web address.

In Alberta and B.C. they use a different tag line and it is "put pork on your fork" so those two provinces are similar.

All the labels are very proactive indicating some action on the part of the consumer to pick pork or put pork on your fork and encouraging them to buy the package and supporting it by providing a source for information.


McDonald says the hope is that the easy internet access to recipes will also encourage consumers to try cuts that they perhaps haven't tried before.

For Farmscape.Ca. I'm Bruce Cochrane.


       *Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork Council

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